
pühapäev, 27. jaanuar 2013

Smugly-bear pattern

It`s been a while since I wrote my last pattern. I started some, but left unfinished. I just wasn`t in the mood. You wonder why? There are so many eager fans for whom I would love to publish new patterns all the time. But among them there are also people who are not treating other peoples work and design with respect. The last months of 2012 revealed several copyright issues and unethical cases. I felt disappointed, deceived and had to take some time to clear my mind.

At the same time I received many e-mails with the questions about new patterns. Thanks to all these people I got back my self-confidence and faith in sincerity and esteem. Also I discovered I had skipped out all of the teddy bears and decided to start filling that hole. So here it is, my very first teddy bear pattern - SMUGLY-BEAR. It`s extremely simple to make, yet an adorable toy. His lumpy body, smugly face and frisky ears give him the special character. He is clumsy, but even when he stumbles he still looks sweet because of the special heart on his butt :) Buttons on his tummy, ribbon around the neck and some fabric covering the ears make him a true sweetheart.

The pattern is available in my etsy shop!

7 kommentaari:

  1. He is so adorable! I can't stop looking at him! :)

  2. Jestas, kui armas mõmmi! Sinu amigurumid on lihtsalt nii armsad, et sõnad saavad otsa juba :)!

  3. Kui armas! Nii kurb kuulda, et mõned teiste töid ei austa. Loodan, et see mõmmi juhend tuleb ka eestikeelsena.

  4. Keep up the good work Mari-liis and yes there are some bad people out there. But also many people who are enjoying your work but i can understand the disappointment.
    I would be too.
    But as you wrote you've got your selfconfidence back and that's the most important thing.
    Hope to see a lot of your creations in the future and you know where to find me if you need a friend.

  5. Sybille, you`ve always supported me. Thank you!
