
laupäev, 13. aprill 2013

Clara the travelling Owl visiting Tallinn, Estonia

Some while ago Susanne from Lilla Luise contacted me and asked if I would like to join the Travelling Owl project. I have never belonged to any craft communities, participated on forums etc, so this seemed to be a nice opportunity to try something like that.
On monday she finally arrived – the travelling Owl Clara! Our children were surprised and excited when we unpacked her. First they started arguing of who will have her, but soon they understood that Clara is only a guest.

She came with a cute little present from Karina. We loved it a lot!

I hope Clara had wonderful time here in Estonia. I placed her on the shelf on my working desk so she would have the best overview of what is happening in the room. She met three playful kids – Jakob (9), Linda (5) and Paul (3). She saw them playing football, singing, drawing and modelling plastiline. A little bit arguing with each other, but mostly playing friendly together :) 
Also Clara met a lot of other softies and made friends with them.

Today Clara will continue her journey and travel to Finland. She will take with a tiny gift for Keanne who probably is already waiting for her.
Bye-bye sweet Clara!

4 kommentaari:

  1. Clara sure had the most fabulous time with you!!! :)

  2. Oi kui huvitav ettevõtmine! Kui mitut riiki Clara külastab?
    Igatahes kõike põnevat talle tema teekonnal!!!

  3. Wow, Clara had a great time with you and your family!!
    Clara visited Poekie at febraury, it so funny!!

    Sweet greetings from Belgium,
    Saskia & Poekie :)
